SAFA training courses coming soon!

Soon (1 September 2019) some important changes will come into force for the European Ramp Inspection (RI) SAFA/SACA Programme. Changes comprise Manufacturing Data, Ramp Inspection Manual (RIM), amended Ramp Inspection Instructions (RIIs), System Wide Coordination (SWC) etc. 

Therefore staff of your organisation may be interested to attend one of the following training courses:

23-24 September 2019 (Monday & Tuesday)

Ramp Inspection Recurrent Training Course

Schiphol, the Netherlands

21-24 October 2019 (Monday – Thursday) 

Ramp Initial Theoretical and Practical Training Course

Schiphol, the Netherlands

Unique feature of this course is the practical training provided over 2 days, allowing to visit 2 or 3 widebody aircraft.

The training material presented will already incorporate recent changes related to EU/EASA AMC & Guidance Material (the AMC and GM to Part-ARO — Issue 3, Amendment 9 dated 27 Feb. 2019), the Ramp Inspection Manual ((RIM) issue 1 dated 20/03/2019) and EU/EASA Inspection Instructions (INST.RI.01/003 dated 20/03/2019).

Attendees to these training courses have, very often, a diverse background. Working for National Aviation Authorities (NAAs) or, in some cases, airlines and originating from Europe, Russian Federation, Middle East or Africa. This facilitates an interesting exchange of experience among the attendees. As a result, previous attendees were satisfied with these courses. You do not want to miss this opportunity and there are still seats available!

In case of interest you are kindly invited to contact Ciconia Aviation at

Ciconia Aviation is a recognised expert leader in the field of Ramp Inspection services. We offer advisory, training and managed services in this field. Our training services are offered under our EASA RITO (Ramp Inspection Training Organization) approval. Beside scheduled training courses in the Netherlands, we frequently provide training at the location of the customer.